Bereavement Kit Project - Project completed

Bereavement Kit Project - Project completed

Completed Rotary Club of Glen Waverley: Bereavement Kit Project and Bendigo Bank “Pitch My Project”

We have built a very strong relationship now with Monash Health and look forward to future projects for the community.

The Bereavement Bag: now shortened to the “Lotus Bag”, has been very well received.

As per picture the bigger Purple bag for effects, the inner white bag for personal items, Literature on Grief and Loss and a packet of Forget-Me-Not Seeds and a card from a Carer/Nurse that has been closest to the patient.

As per our aim for the project – 2000 bags have been produced.


This project was conceived following Rotary’s members experience with sudden death of loved ones in Hospital, receiving a black plastic bag with their recently departed effects. In discussions, with Monash Health this concept was born, as a more acceptable and sympathetic way of handling this difficult circumstance.

This project was supported financially by the Rotary Club of Glen Waverley and the Bendigo Bank at Pinewood.

It will service all of Monash Health facilities.

Below Photo at Monash Health with A/Professor Anjali Dhulia (Executive Director, Medical Services at Monash Health, with Sue Mills, Dianne Sides and President Angela Forthun receiving Certificate of Appreciation.

We acknowledged the contribution of the Bendigo Bank which supported this Rotary Club of Glen Waverley Project.

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